
May 02, 2009


Seeing as Chuck has stopped being on (hopefully only for the time being), I've started catching up on other shows that I've been meaning to watch. This means that I will probably finally get around to seeing The Wire, of which I've only seen about three episodes I think, but it's good so far. I also caught United States of Tara back when if first came on TV, whenever that was, and stopped watching after a few episodes because I had too many things going on. I'm almost completely caught up with that one now and I actually also heard a cool song on the show, which I thought I'd share with everyone.

Interestingly, United States of Tara also had a Bon Iver song in its eighth episode (this after Chuck has been featuring his excellent songs quasi-weekly). They used "The Wolves (Act I and II)" in a really creepy scene from the son, Marshall's Hell House re-enactment that involved an abortion, which was represented by some nasty looking chopped up liver. You're gonna have to see it for yourselves, but I assume you're sufficiently put off right now to not want to see it. It's a good show though so I suggest having a look-see anyway.

So on to the song that I wanted to post about. "That Knot Unties?" is by David Karsten Daniels and it's a really mellow folksy song. Listen and download here. It was used in a really lovely montage sequence at the end of an episode and it was sort of like a pretty ribbon that tied the whole scene together beautifully. Hope you like it.

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